Shipping & Returns
Mostly all multiple orders over 1 item, will receive a shipping discount. As of yet, the web site company I am using does not have a way for system to put the shipping discounts on automatically. Please message me when you have completed your order in your cart. I can then send you an invoice with all the discounts that apply to your order as well as the discounted shipping rate. Depending on the size of your order, the discount is significant. Example, if you order one item, the shipping charge is $17.00. When you add a second item the shipping is going to change to $34.00. It should only be $19.00 for the total shippng so it would be a $15.00 credit. Most everywhere in North America, your package will be shipped with a tracking # for you to follow and to assure you receive your parcel.
30-day return policy
Buyer pays for the return shipping unless otherwise stated in contact conversations and reasoning.
Every product you purchase is exactly what’s in the description and the pictures are that exact product that you ordered. All products play and work properly unless otherwise stated in the description of that product.