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The Compendium contains the two movies in the Trek reboot, which includes both 2013’s Into Darkness and 2009’s “original” Star Trek.  Much has already been made of both, and I hazard that no one eyeing this collection needs filling in on their content.  The first film infused badly needed energy into the flagging franchise, with new actors in place of the original cast and a sterling adventure covering the early days of the U.S.S.  Enterprise.  Director J.J.  Abrams brought his own sensibilities to the series without losing the core of what made these characters so appealing in the first place.  Leonard Nimoy arrived as part of a complicated time travel/alternate universe thread to give his blessing to the entire affair, and the new cast slipped comfortably into their roles without treading on the toes of their lionized predecessors.  The movie was a huge hit, both critically and commercially, and swiftly moved the venerable space opera into the 21st century.

Blu-Ray - Star Trek The compendium

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