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Starblade is a 3D rail shooter video game, taking place in a first-person perspective. The player assumes control of a starship named the FX-01 "GeoSword" in its mission to destroy a hostile alien race known as the "Unknown Intelligent Mechanized Species" (UIMS) before they destroy Earth with a powerful superweapon. Gameplay revolves around the player controlling a crosshair and firing at incoming enemies and projectiles. The GeoSword has a shield meter at the bottom-left corner, which will deplete when it is inflicted with enemy fire; when the meter is fully-drained, the game ends. The player will need to complete two missions; destroying the power reactor of the superweapon "Red Eye", and eliminating an enemy fortress and a powerful ship named the "Commander".  The Commander stalks the player throughout the game, with a fight against it ensuing once both missions are completed. Starblade is a 3D rail shooter video game, taking place in a first-person perspective. The player assumes control of a starship named the FX-01 "GeoSword" in its mission to destroy a hostile alien race known as the "Unknown Intelligent Mechanized Species" (UIMS) before they destroy Earth with a powerful superweapon. Gameplay revolves around the player controlling a crosshair and firing at incoming enemies and projectiles. The GeoSword has a shield meter at the bottom-left corner, which will deplete when it is inflicted with enemy fire; when the meter is fully-drained, the game ends. The player will need to complete two missions; destroying the power reactor of the superweapon "Red Eye", and eliminating an enemy fortress and a powerful ship named the "Commander". The Commander stalks the player throughout the game, with a fight against it ensuing once both missions are completed.

Sega CD - Starblade - AUTHENTIC

  • Used in excellent condition.

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