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The story revolves around three dancers who are forced to reconcile their differences and pasts. Travis (Swayze), Chrissa (Niemi), and Max (De La Pena) were three students of master choreographer Alex McGrath, but they had a falling out many years ago over a particularly difficult piece that Alex had choreographed specifically for them. Unexpectedly, McGrath dies. This reunites the three, who agree to attempt the dance piece once more to save his company. In the process, however, they all reopen old emotional wounds that had never properly healed. Travis and Chrissa have a daughter together, Bree. Bree wishes to follow in her mother's footsteps of dancing and even takes any opportunity to steal her mother's Pointe shoes and dance around the house in them, much to her mother's chagrin. It is realized that Max should be the new head of the company. Travis, Chrissa and Max each want to quit for good at some point. But finally all grudgingly follow through and come full-circle as dancers.


DVD Movie - One Last Dance

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