In this thrilling crime story set in Brighton, England, Leo Garfield (John Hannah) is a con man and gambler who is married to the gorgeous Lily (Famke Janssen), an American woman with a shady past. About to be pressured into running a casino in Manchester for the crooked Bruno Maitland (Brian Conley), Leo is hired to murder a friend's wife, who turns out to be the girlfriend of Moose (Tiny Lister), Bruno's enormous bodyguard. The man who hired Leo is actually Julius Harvey (Peter Stormare), Bruno's flighty accountant. As the double crosses begin to twist and turn at an alarming rate, Leo must also dig his way out of the enormous debt he has incurred with a pair of thuggish bookies, Troy (Eddie Izzard) and Bruno (Brian Connelly). Also making an appearance is Elmo Somerset (Fred Ward), a recently paroled American who is looking to exact revenge on Lily. Working from a taut, clever script, director Rob Walker's CIRCUS is an action-packed, darkly humorous, suspenseful tale that features an overabundance of pop culture references. Hannah uses the charming persona he established in FOUR WEDDINGS AND A FUNERAL and SLIDING DOORS to add intrigue to the proceedings, and Janssen delivers yet another credible performance that proves she isn't just a pretty face.
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